The African Child Agape Foundation is a charitable,
peaceful, non-political, educational and non-profit making
oriented organisation initiated since December 2017 and
registered officially under the government of Malawi from March 2020.
For many decades efforts have been made to help the African
continent rise out of poverty and many attempts are
still being made globally by diverse organizations
with the aim of ending extreme poverty.
But the approach used for the
past decades of handouts
has just made even worse because it has created a dependent
mindset in many Africans
the welfare mindset which has increased
mental laziness and hence intensifying poverty which is now a general
crisis in Africa continent.
The world is making a transition into a new age, an age described best by
Napoleon hill who
said; This is an age of unprecedented opportunities
due mainly to the great need for leadership in practically every calling.
Opportunity will be greatest for those who have had thorough business training.
This is an age that accepts
young blood in the positions of responsibility.
These greater opportunities of today call for greater efficiency
than was acceptable 25 years ago. This machine age of efficiency in production has brought with it a
demand for greater efficiency in man power.
The African child is behind on this global change and
will forever be if we keep encouraging him/her to live from hand to mouth, in the information age,
many are behind on technology but mostly many do not have the right mental software to be effective and
efficient in this new era which is full of opportunities! Many charity organizations have approached this crisis
through generous donations.
However, we agree with Mr. Henry ford’s Philosophy on charity as stated by
Napoleon Hill saying; “The best form of charity is not to destroy a man’s self-respect by giving him something,
but to place a man in the path of opportunity to be self-determining through his own labor.”
This in my opinion is the most practical form of charity! Therefore, ACAF chooses to approach this global
crisis from its roots! The core source which is the mind! At ACAF, We intend to create a pipeline system
through our educational program that will recruit minds from point A and have them pass through our
program and come out at point B as the suitable products to strive and make a positive impact in the global
market! We want to equip the African child with the right materials, philosophies, habits, tactics,
strategies and paradigms which will empower them to rise up and bring their communities with them.
We strongly believe the solution to all of the global problem lie in the minds of man and we intend to bring those solutions to life through the creative method.
Dear Readers and Friends,
It is our pleasure to welocome you in our divine and family organisation-ACAF. Our Mission is to educate, to support
and to comfort the african child in needy and to make our society a better place to live. Allow us to quote the ancient sage
Solomon who said A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity
Proverbs 17 v 17.
Let us also quote late Kofi Annan who said No calling is more noble, and no responsibility greater than that of enabling
man, women and childrren in cities and villages around the world, to make their lives better.
Indeed all those two wise men were right but it is sad to see that millions of people are living in extreme porverty to man's
selfishness while resources are enough to feed all God's creation.
In ACAF, we believe that we are all brothers and sisters and can live in peace and harmony if we put aside our minor
differences and prejudicies.
Our Purpose and mandate is to build and beautify our society for the sake of this generation and generations to come
which is only possible by practicing of charity, AGAPE, and care for our fellow human beings.
In ACAF, we believe that we are imperfect and this imperfection will sometimes indulge in mutual disagreement or conflict
but we should rely on non-violent methods to stop the blood shed and other atrocities resulting from civil wars and genocide.
Due to our morden technology, our society is being globalised and we need to prepare our citizens especially the youth for this advanced
and intellectual society which needs skilled people in terms of ability, accountability, integrity, professional and healthy.
Our society will not grow or develop because of strong army of having sophisficated weapons to kill a living creature. Thats why at ACAF,
we welcome with both hands the request from the General Secretary of United Nations, His Excellency Antonio Guterres pleading for cease fire Worldwide.
In ACAF, We believe Porverty is the source of all evils and should be our major enemy to fight for not our fellow citizen!!!
Our dear Brothers and Sisters, the present time of Covid-19 known as Corona Virus Pandemic has proved that no one is immune of
Corona Virus infection looking at how it spread and its victims.
The World's Economy is shutting down and many people worldwide are still losing their lives! Which lesson can we learn from this time?
Why can't we share our resoures with the needy? Why can't we give equal chance fro everyone to struggle for his/her own life
Due to those reasons above, a change is needed so as to save our brothers and sisters in our communities regardless of their status.
It is our responsibility to ensure that no one is left behind but to move together on the economic ladder.
ACAF welcomes every individual, organisations, companies and foundations willing to support us physically and financially
to uplift the life standard of our fellow human beings in needy especcially women, children and refugees during this special time of Corona Virus Pandemic.
Let Us Unite to Save and to Heal our Society, our continent and our world!!!
May God bless you
Rev. Innocent Hankanimana, Founder and CEO.
In order to fulfill its divine mandate, ACAF wants to work with a volunteering team of men and women who have compassion
towards the needy people regardless of their sex, race, ethnic affiliation or religion.
Our Team is made of people from different nationalities such as Malawians, Burundians, Congolese and Rwandans.
Trust: We trust each other and treat each other with mutual respect.
Each individual‘s skills and talent are appreciated and valued in the ACAF
Charity: Love is the centre of our organization and Love never fails
Integrity We will strive to be honest in dealing with our clients as well as our partners/donors.
Gender Equality: We will promote the gender equality in our daily operation and the education for both boys and Girls children remains our priority.
Human Rights: No society can progress while the rights of people are not respected .We will help the society and government to teach and
promote human rights as it is stipulated in the UDHR (Universal Declaration of Human Rights) and the Constitution of Malawi.
Autonomous: We remain independent in our daily business operational while seeking guidance from other experts.