The Mundialist Seminar of CAFES (NGO) opened on Monday 14th December, 2009 at 9.30 am at Ouagadougou within the hotel Bangrin by the setting up of the participants, the invitees and the representatives of the organizations of civil Society. Those in charge of the organization committee of CAFES (NGO) namely Messrs TRAORE Baba and KONATE Souleymane have proceeded on this setting up and welcomed the participants. Mr Daniel Durand, President of the World Citizens Registry and main coordinator of ASCOP addressed the participants the welcome word after having encouraged and congratulated the CAFES for this beautiful initiative of this Mundialist Studies Seminar. After the opening address has been pronounced by the Coordinator of CAFES (NGO) Mr Soouleymane DRABO on behalf of the President of the Administrative Council of CAFES(NGO) Madam Iboudon Elodie After having greeted the participation of the sister countries of Guinea, Togo and France, Mr. Drabo emphasized the importance which donned this seminar across its different themes of communication. Let's note that the Burkinabe media such as the RTB (National Radio and Television) took part in this ceremony as well as the press which included observers Paada and Sidwaya. II. COMMUNICATIONS Communication 1 The fight against
drugs in Burkina Faso In introduction, Mr TOURE defined the drug as a generic name of the raw materials used as medicine. According to the United Nations Organization for the fight against Drugs and Criminality (ONUDC) the drug is any substance able to modify the state of the conscience of an individual. He classified the different types of drugs according to its effects: depressants, stimulants, or destructive elements of the nervous system and are in two big categories; the legal drugs (tobacco, alcohol) and the illegal drugs (cannabis, cocaine , heroin). He emphasized that all these illegal drugs have catastrophic consequences at the family and national levels, they constitute scourges. Two main lines came out of this communication: namely the policy of the state in the fight against drugs and the action of the civil society in the face of this scourge. THE POLICY OF THE STATE: In Burkina Faso the state has put in place the National Committee of the Fight Against Drugs which is an interministerial committee. This committee will soon be replaced by an office. The 26 June of every year has been declared the World Day for the Fight against Drugs. Even though there isn't yet in Burkina Faso a policy of the handling of drug addicts, a project of undertaking is in progress, but there is lack of financial partners. THE ACTION OF CIVIL SOCIETY This has been on course since 16th February 2005 by the national network of the associations of the fight against drugs and of AIDS (RENALDS) officially recognized under the receipt. No 2005- 9-5 (MATD) SG (DGLPAP) DOASOC. of 25 May 2005. This structure is lodged within the CNLD and includes about a thirty associations and NGOs . Mr Toure gave some statistics showing the extent of the scourge.One can note also that at the University of Ouagadougou, 20 to 24 % of students consume cannabis and 3 to 5% heroine. He then recalled that violence, the crimes as well as the propagation of HIV are linked to the abuse of the consumption of alcohol and the drug. In conclusion the drug is a scourge which threatens the stability of the communities and the entire nation must mobilize itself to fight it. After this communication there were testimonies notably from Guinea, Togo and from the International World Citizens. From the debate which followed, there emerged interventions from: Amadou DIAKITE (CAFES, Guinea) The Guinea Conakry has become a centre of the drug traffic. Thanks to the action of the new political regime one could measure the intensity of the traffic
SOVON KODZO Akakpo (World Citizen from Lome)
Daniel Durand: The problem of drugs is every where in the world; however he realizes that this scourge is no longer the object of preoccupation for the Peoples Congress. After these testimonies, Mr. DRABO made a summary of the communication and made on behalf of all the seminarians a recommendation inviting the governments of the world to a strong involvement in the fight against drugs.
![]() Communication 2 'African Unity ' pledge of solidarity and of the development of Africa what to do? by Mr. Simpore Yimbi Nicolas, Jurist. Mr. Simpore has first of all spoken of a United Africa before colonialization. Africa Unity must live in a material manner and not theorical. After having condemned the actions that led to fragment Africa the speaker gave the means for an United Africa of which:
He then mentioned the stakeholders of the United Africa which are :
The actions for this United Africa are perceived under two aspects. Vertical : from the top towards the bottom, from the governors to the governed: from bottom towards the top (the action of the civil society for the African integration) Horizontal: That is to say the dissemination of the ideas of African integration
In conclusion, Mr. SIMPORE invited all Africans to work for African integration, for an active solidarity and for the sustainable economic development of the continents; the Africans must make disappear the scourges such as xenophobia, cultural and ethnic intolerance, have a sharing spirit and favour expertise exchange. The world citizen must work to:
so the question of African unity is no longer considered as an alternative but as an imperative.
![]() Communication 3 Historical necessity of world citizenship by Daniel Durand, President of the World Citizens Registry. Daniel Durand has first of all called into question the basic texts of the UNO established at the conference of San Francisco. The United Nations Organization ought to be created for world peace and the charter ought to be mundialist but in the end it was the international agreements which have been signed thereby deviating somehow from the objective of the United Nations Organization. The UNO being in a mess is condemned to disappear or to change its texts. On this report Daniel Durand retraces the history of world citizenship and the mundialist steps, including that of the World Federalists since 1946, the creation year of the Human Front of world citizens until the appeal for the next elections of the People Congress planned for the year 2010, Then next he emphasized the action of the federalists who equally work in the direction of mundialization through a political process by the governments. The action of the world citizens is a process of the civil society. In this review, Mr. DURAND noted down some actions of the World Citizens which showed their organization and the structures by which they act. The date of 20th March is the day of World Unity, World Citizens Day.
![]() Communication 4 Democracy as condition of a possible future by Daniel Durand. For the first time, he attaches himself to the philosophy carried by the words of brotherhood and of democracy within the context of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This theme is placed as a continuation to the declarations made at the Bohicon Seminar of 2006. Having recalled the fundamentals rights (feeding, lodging) the economic and socio-cultural rights, the political rights inherent in the citizenship, Mr. Durand emphasized that all the rights are essential to man for his blossoming and are indivisible(one cannot deny these rights to the people except for security reasons). The communicator then talked about the institutions of world democracy. For him, the advent of the democracy of world government can only come about by the world peoples' pressure contrary to the practice of the federalist movement which proceed from the top towards the bottom. A world constitution adopted by the states alone will put the people of the world on the fringe. It's the reason why the world citizens whilst enjoying their rights as clearly stipulated by the articles 21 and 28 of the human rights claim a world democratic governance. Everybody can claim for himself/herself world citizenships but as those in charge; there are strict definitions which we must defend. The world citizen has values to defend such as brotherhood, justice and democracy. Then he narrates all the attempts to give a constitution to the world , or to give a chance to the UNO to strengthen itself in order to avoid chaos. He mentions the Constituent Assembly held at Geneva in December,1950, the works of WCPA(World Constitution and Parliament Association) the World Campaign for a Parliamentary Assembly by the United Nations and the last born of the initiatives: The World Association for the Transformation of the United Nations(WATUN). The will of the people is the basis of public authority, as world citizens we have right for an established world order. The whole of the humanitarian community needs a regulation-- authority organism which organizes justice. The idea of world democracy is not conceivable by the states and the multinational, it belongs to the civil society to work for the advent of this world order. The UNO needs an internal transformation to survive and to be efficient. The possible diagram of the transformation of the UNO is the addition of the 2nd Chamber which represents the people of the world. Mr. DURAND emphasized that there are 292 organizations of the civil society which work for world democracy and that the Peoples Congress; having seen its autonomy and its political independence from the states is "par excellence" the only organization of world democracy. Finally, he gave as example what took place during the session of Brasilia in the dialogue which was created between the Peoples Congress and the Consultative Assembly concerning the defence of Human Rights. He invites the participants to get involved in the necessary works towards the creation of a world institution of human rights, as it was decided at Brasilia, and suggests the seminar opens officially ' the report book' of human rights to consign to it all that world law could carry in addition as to what the international law does at the moment. It's from this report where the definition could spring from and the content of world institution of human rights to create.............. After this communication, exchanges enabled the seminarians to best define the concepts of world democracy and of world citizenship.
![]() Communication 5 The judicial distribution of the earth and of world democracy, by Mr. SIMPORE NICOLAS. From this report one can note that there is a correlation "Justice and democracy" two concepts which feed on each other. Democracy is a permanent quest, an ideal, a research of perfection. The world citizen is an ambassador without territorial limit for the emergence of a world of peace, more equitable, respecting the people's rights. The sustainable development is dependent on lasting peace which is itself dependent on justice and on democracy.
![]() PRESENTATION: World Community against Hunger, by Daniel Durand, Co-founder, Member of the Administrative Council. This Organisation follows the Commission "Hunger, development and mundialism" which has functioned from 1969 to 1982. Founded by a very small team of world citizens, World Solidarity Against Hunger now counts more than 1300 members within 32 countries and has financed more than 90 projects by its mutualist system. The mutual aid system (mutualism) constitutes the basis of civilizations. Such systems exist or have existed everywhere on earth, let's cite for example the 'Naam' in Burkina Faso or the economy of giving by the South American pre-Columbian population. The future does not belong to the wealthy people but to the populations which are capable of solidarizing among themselves. The poor people must gather themselves in order to do something together. The contributions of World Solidarity Against Hunger are on individual basis according to the principle: a person= a contribution = a voice. However, the development projects are conducted collectively and therefore the contracts and the paybacks of loans are collective. There are five conditions to fulfill in order to benefit financing from the WSAH. The maximum amount of a loan is of 3 million of FCFA. After this report Mr. DRABO Souleymane made an appeal for the strengthening of partnership of the WSAH with CAFES (ONG) and the strengthening of capacities of projects at the level of group. Mr. DRABO concludes during the exchanges which followed the report, that private contracts can be established with partner organizations for the financing of micro-credits.
![]() CONFERENCE. World democracy, a response in coherence to the dimension of current problems, By Daniel Durand. In first part, Daniel Durand retraces all the problems which are of global importance and which necessitate global solutions: transport, pollution, fossil energy, global warming, deforestation, forest fire, bush fire, ., renewal of marine biological masses(fishing, excess fishing, whale trawling) access to potable water, access to health, to education, uncontrolled demography as consequence of poverty, rise in intolerances, risks linked to bionic research(.air conditioning, eugenism). In the face of all these problems, he proposed to see what wasn't going right in the foundations of the UNO, and notably by the commentary readings of articles 1 and 2 of the Charter, then by the enumeration of the UNO agencies which are in fact pledged to the capacity of the transnational companies, he demonstrated that in the face of the accepted divisions by the famous initial phrase". We people of the United States", it was necessary to put forward. We, 'People of the World" from there, he justified the approach of World Citizens, the Peoples Congress and of ASCOP. Daniel Durand also spoke of the existence of World Citizens Territories, at the moment 974, of which the last declared as such are to be found in India, Senegal, Democratic Republic of Congo, Togo. Thereafter, Daniel Durand presented the website, recim.org, so that the participants be initiated to the efficient use of this vast source of information of more than 1,300 pages: a complete tool for the world citizens, and for the organizations descending from world citizenship: ASCOP, CILAME, WSAH, AUI, etc. The second speaker was SOVON KODZO, Director of the registration center at Lome. In the wake of his departure, the registration center brought together an extraordinary assembly, of which there came out some recommendation, regarding the seminar and the Registry. The support of the registration center of Lome will be integrated in the recommendations of the seminar.
![]() Communication 8 Citizenship and Peace by Mahamoudou TIEMTORE of the Ministry for the Promotion of Human Rights: Mr. TIEMTORE remarked that citizenship and peace are two current concepts which are in fashion. Citizenship is intimately linked to democracy: the communities of citizens form the nation. Citizenship is a state of mind which leads us to respect ourselves, to respect our properties and those of the public. World citizenship can be a factor which leads to sustainable peace in the world. Mr. Tiemtore then gave the different rights and duties of the citizens. There are several categories of rights;
The duties of a citizen are among others those of:
He then cited some factors that can be a hindrance to peace: notably religious intolerance, ethnicity, cultural diversities, economic misery. It came to light from this report that 70% of Burkinabes do not possess a birth certificates therefore cannot prove their nationality. Following this report the exchanges made it possible to know that world citizenship is not substituted for national citizenship: for every human being has right to a recognised existence and an identity as declared by the Peoples Congress.
![]() PRESENTATION: Esperanto, International language, tool for sustainable development. By Daniel Durand After having defined the context in which the languages wanting to become international have been invented. Mr. Durand made known the creation of Esperanto since 1887. This simple language and more conventional has been invented by a Russian Jew by the name Louis Lazare ZAMILOF. Among 600 propositions of international languages, the Esperanto has been the language to communicate globally. Rare are the people who have not suffered any sort of cultural or linguistic imperialism. Language is often the result of military conquests whereas ethnic or regional languages are the pretext of conflicts. In such situation and as the world searches for ways to come out from conflict situations and construct the future, the international language ESPERANTO appears as a way of hope for the future. The aim of this presentation is not to make the whole of the participants seasoned Esperantists but that everybody knows this alternative and be interested in life and in the progress of this universal community of Esperanto speakers. The works of this day ended with some examples of lessons in the construction of words in Esperanto. Links to the websites of Esperantists will be communicated to the participants.
![]() PRESENTATION: The Consultative Assembly of the Peoples Congress (ASCOP) by Daniel Durand, co-founder and the main coordinator member of the Transnational Piloting Committee. Citizenship is neither an ideology nor a movement. It's a participation for the common good of all. This position of principle, also justified as it is, has for a long time been lived as a handicap to the militant action of the world citizens. On the occasion of the Peoples Congress session of October,2003 an inventory of initiatives existing in the direction of global democracy. From there is born the idea and the will to gather this dynamics in a gathering capable of mutual aid and capable of expertise by the elected representatives. ASCOP, so created, was structured during the year 2004. It brings together currently more than 80 organizations within 23 different countries, not neglecting several transnational organizations(non-national) ASCOP is a mutual strengthening tool of the capacities for the participating organizations, but also an original source of proposals and projects. The Mundialist studies, Seminar of Ouagadougou is as such the 16th project achieved. The functioning of ASCOP is directed by an office of three persons and a transnational piloting committee. Every participant has received an information including: Regulations of ASCOP; register of ASCOP's events and conditions for the organization of seminars, documents which can be found on the website: www. recim.org. III.CLOSING CEREMONY For two (2) hours, the WANDE troupe of Moussognouman KOUYATE entertained the public with modern dances and a theatre forum presentation on AIDS. Then it was the reading of the reports and the different speeches by the participants before proceeding to the symbolic handing-over of certificates. Then it came to the turn of the reading again of the declarations and recommendations from the seminar in order to make of it the proclamation during the official closing ceremony. FINALLY FOUR INTERVENTIONS
Ouagadougou, 17th December,2009. |