- 02/11/2020 : Nobel
Literature Laureate Albert Camus : Stoic Humanist and
World Citizen by René
- 22/04/2019 : The
Day of Mother Earth: Living in Harmony with Nature
by René Wadlow
- 16/10/2018 : A
Wholistic World Food Policy is Needed
- 24/09/2018 : UN General
Assembly: Can It Provide The Needed Global
Leadership? by René Wadlow
- 26/03/2018 : Syria:
You want it darker
- 22/03/2018 : Dangerous
Rivalries over Water Resources, by Rene
- 22/03/2018 : The
woman who inspired Mississaugas peace
- 23/02/2018 : Syria
Conflicts Highlight Violations of Humanitarian
International Law, by Rene Wadlow
- 19/02/2018 : For
Those Working to Reduce Tensions on the Korean
Peninsula. Rene Wadlow
- 19/01/2018 : Alexandre
Marc : Con-federalism, Cultural Renewal and
Trans-frontier Cooperation Rene Wadlow
- 11/01/2018 : Action
against human trafficking by Rene Wadlow
- 05/01 2018 : Con-federation,
Constitutional Reforms, Renewal and Trans-frontier
- 03/01 2018 : Chinese
Leadership on U.N. Reform
- 12/12/2017 : A New UN ?
WCPA President Calls For Earth Constitution and World
- 10/12/2017 : Eleanor
Roosevelt, World Citizen, by Rene Wadlow
- 09/12/2017 : 69th
Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human
Rights: Unifying Human and Environmental Rights,
by David Gallup
- 07/12/2017 : Divisions,
Yemen Faces a Possible Turning Point, by Rene
- 30/11/2017 : Anti-Sufi
Wave Hits Sinai by Rene Wadlow
- 29/11/2017 : To
Snap Every Yoke: World Law to End Slavery in Libya
by Rene Wadlow
- 27/11/2017 : Confederation,
Autonomy, Renewal, and Reform, by Rene Wadlow
- 27/11/2017 : Anti-Sufi
wave hits Sinai
- 25/11/2017 : Why
do we call ourselves World Citizens ? by David
- 06/11/2017 : Raimon
Panikkar (2 Nov 1918 26 Aug 2010): A Bridge
between Cultures, by Rene Wadlow
- 06/10/2017 : The
Iraqi Kurdistan Vote: A Look Back on the Long Struggle
for Kurdish Independence, by Rene Wadlow
- 28/09/2017 : Increased
Korean Tensions: Time for Concerted Non-governmental
Efforts, by Rene Wadlow
- 23/09/2017 : John
Boyd Orr: Action for a Comprehensive World Food Policy
by Rene Wadlow
- 21/09/2017 : UN
human rights protection: What will the General
Assembly do for the refugee flow of Rohingyas from
Myanmar? By Rene Wadlow
- 14/09/2017 : World
Law to Protect Refugees and Migrants, by
René Wadlow
- 05/09/2017 : Millions
of Refugees Flee South Sudan as Conflict Rages On,
by René Wadlow
- 03/09/2017 : Afghanistan:
From the April revolution to the August
challenges, by René Wadlow
- 03/09/2017 : New
Violence Highlights Need For Concerned Action in
Myanmar's Rakhine State, by René
- 30/08/2017 : On 9th October 2017 : The
5th Sydney Model Global Parliament
- 27/08/2017 : As
South Sudan Disintegrates, People Move, by
Rene Wadlow
- 27/08/2017 : Concerned
action needed for Myanmar's Rakhine state
- 21/08/2017: In
memory of Sergio Vieira de Mello (21/08/17)
- 14/08/2017 : Korean
Tensions: Confidence-building Measures Needed
- 14/08/2017 : Nuclear-Weapon
States and Their Neighbors: There Is Still Work to
Do (external
- 04/08/2017 : Liu
Xiaobo and Charter 08: Fire under the Ashes, by
Rene Wadlow
- 27/07/2017 : U.N.
Human Rights Procedures and the Role of Citizens of
Non-Member States, by Rene Wadlow
- 20/07/2017 : Cahors-The-Guardian.pdf
par Isabelle Mayault
- 19/07/2017 : Rapid
Ratification Needed of the Treaty on the Prohibition
of Nuclear Weapons, by Rene Wadlow
- 16/07/2017 : The
Empty Chair, but Democratic Vistas Radiate, by
Rene Wadlow
- 10/07/2017 : Rex
Tugwell (10 Jul 1891 21 Jul 1979): Planning
and Action for Rural Reconstruction, by Rene
- 08/07/2017 : Stabilizing
trans-frontier migration by Rene Wadlow
- 07/07/2017 : Myanmar:
Sectarian strife and the long road to a more open
society, by Rene Wadlow
- 24/05/2017 : SOS:
Save our seas, by Rene Wadlow
- 23/05/2017 : Instability
Widens in Mali and the Sahel Region of Africa by
Rene Wadlow
- 01/04/2017 : Syria:
Armed Conflict Resolution and the Reconstruction of an
Inclusive and Just Society, by René
- 20/03/2017 : The
Worlds Citizens need to take back control
with a Global Parliament, by Andreas Bummel
- 20/03/2017 : A
Time of Renewal : The Day of World Citizens by
René Wadlow
- 07/03/2017 : UN
report highlights violations of humanitarian
international law by René Wadlow
- 02/03/2017 : East
Africa food crisis indicates urgent need for a world
food policy by René Wadlow

- 24/01/2017 : The
law of the South China seize, by René
- 16/01/2017 : Cyprus:
Toward a Non-Territorial Confederation? by Rene
Wadlow (external
- 09/01/2017 : The
Re-affirmation of Humanitarian International Law
by Rene Wadlow
- 02/12/2016 : Aleppo:
Short-term action followed by reaffirmation of
humanitarian law by Rene Wadlow
- 06/11/2016 : South
Sudan: Limits of UN Peacekeeping, by René
Wadlow (external
- 05/11/2016 : Turkey:
Whom the gods would destroy by Rene Wadlow
- 24/10/2016 : UN
Day: Changing of the Guard, by Rene Wadlow
- 17/10/2016 : Ending
Marginalization and Exclusion by René
- 16/10/2016 : World
Food Day - 2016 - Yemen, by René
- 12/10/2016 : a new book of Dragan Bunic :
Federation" (pdf-presentation)
- 05/10/2016 : World
policy for migrants and refugees, by René
- 02/10/2016 : In
Tune with the Infinite : A New Thought influence on
Gandhian nonviolence, by René Wadlow
- 29/09/2016 : Lanza
Del Vasto, Nonviolence and Enduring Suspicion, by
René Wadlow
- 26/09/2016 : Building
on the UN Summit to Address Large Movements of
Refugees and Migrants, by René Wadlow
- 23/09/2016 : Building
on the UN summit to address large movements of
refugees and migrants, by René Wadlow
- 19/08/2016 : Destruction
of Cultural Heritage Condemned by the International
Criminal Court

- 26/08/2016 : Toward
Global Political Integration: Time for a World
Parliamentary Assembly, by Andreas Bummel
- 24/08/2016 : Destruction
of cultural heritage condemned by the International
Criminal Court By Rene Wadlow
- 19/07/2016 :
the Death Penalty and Human Dignity by René
- 15/07/2016 : Yemen
negotiations move ahead slowly post-war
planning needed by René Wadlow
- 27/06/2016 : Education
for a Culture of Peace, by René Wadlow
- 20/06/2016 : World
Refugee Day, by René Wadlow
- 20/06/2016 : Ethiopia-Eritrea:
The Cry of the Imburi by René Wadlow
- 13/06/2016 : Battle
for Fallujah: Protests Needed against Violations of
Humanitarian Law, by René Wadlow
- 23/05/2016 : World
Humanitarian Summit: On the Front Lines for Action
by René Wadlow
- 07/05/2016 : Syria
: Beyond the laws of war by René
- 01/05/2016 : Teilhard
de Chardin : Evolution toward world unity by
René Wadlow
- 25/04/2016 : Yemen:
Is This War Necessary?, by René Wadlow
- 20/04/2016 : "Friends
of the UN" in the Canadian Parliament support a UN
Parliamentary Assembly, by UNPA
- 15/02/2016 : UN Calls
for Summit Forum on Refugees and Migrants: Role of NGO
in Its Preparation, by René Wadlow
- 01/02/2016 : World
Interfaith Harmony Week : Steps Toward A Harmony
Renaissance by René Wadlow
- 04/01/2016 : Saudi
Arabia: New Year beheading pour oil on the flames
by René Wadlow
- 30/12/2015 : The World,
Its Protection, Its Citizens by René
- 28/12/2015 : COP
21 ... a step forward, by Olivier
- 18/12/2015 : Need
for a UN-led World Conference on Migration and Refugee
Flows, by René Wadlow
- 14/12/2015 : Environment
and Climate Change: Building on the Momentum of the
Paris Agreement, by René Wadlow
- 12/12 2015 :
Oath of Paris -
2015 / COP-21
- 09/12/2015 : The
Genocide Convention an unused but not forgotten
standard of world law by René Wadlow
- 22/11/2015 :
After the attacks in
- 20/11/2015 : Convention
on the Rights of the Child: The Vital Role of NGOs
by René Wadlow
- 01/11/2015 : Yemen:
Where humanity is flaunted, by René
- 31/10/2015 : Women
as Peacemakers : A 31 October Anniversary, by
René Wadlow
- 16/10/2015 : World
Food Day:A Renewal of Collective Action, by
René Wadlow
- 10/10/2015 : The
Death Penalty and Human Dignity, by René
- 10/10/2015 : Nobel
Peace Prize highlights conflict-resolution role of
NGOs, by René Wadlow
- 07/10/2015 : Pope
& UN Sustainable Development Goals Inspire, but
Fall Seriously Short, by Roger Kotila (WCPA)
- 26/09/2015 : UN-Led
International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear
Weapons, by René Wadlow
- 21/09/2015 : 2017 IS
ISIS CRISIS YEAR, The main theme for 21st Sept 2015 ,
by Leo Rebello
- 15/09/2015 : Refugee
Mass Exodus: Need for a UN-led World Conference,
by René Wadlow
- 04/09/2015 : Planetism:
moving from theory to practical implementation, by
- 31/08/2015 : Creating
a Workable World
- 31/08/2015 : Maria
Montessori, by René Wadlow
- 30/08/2015 : The
United Nations at 70 - What Prospects for
- 21/08/2015 : Want a
More Democratic UN? Give It a Parliament , by Jo
Leinen and Andreas Baumel
- 18/08/2015 : The
Continuing Humanitarian Crisis and Violations of Human
Rights in ISIS-held Areas in Iraq and Syria by
René Wadlow
- 10/08/2015 : Citizens
of the World: Crisis and Response by René
- 05/08/2015 : 3rd
Global Week of action for World Parliament
- 01/08/2015 : Yemen
and World Law: Building from Current Experience by
René Wadlow
- 01/08/2015 : OSCE:
Strains and Renewal in the Security Community, by
René Wadlow
- 06/07/2015 : Burundi:
Storm Warning, by René Wadlow
- 04/07/2015 : World
Citizen Declaration of Inter-Dependence, by
René Wadlow
- 27/05/2015 : NPT:
Nuclear Weapons and Tension Areas, by René
- 23/05/2015 : Peace
Education: Source of National Unity and Global Harmony
by Charles Mercieca
- 13/05/2015 : New
Missions for the UN and a Secretary-General to
Fit, by René Wadlow
- 10/04/2015 : Pierre
Teilhard de Chardin: Planetary Consciousness, by
René Wadow
- 03/04/2015 : Iran
Accord and Momentum-building, by René
- 15/03/2015 : Government
of Catalonia endorses a United Nations Parliamentary
- 14/03/2015 : Albert
Einstein: Remember Your Humanity and Forget the
Rest, by René Wadlow
- 28/02/2015 : Louis
Sohn: Pathfinder toward World Law, by René
- 16/02/2015 : Nuclear-Weapon
Free Zones: Delegitimizing Nuclear Weapons at a
Regional Level, by René Wadlow
- 13/02/2015 : Boko
Haram: The Long Shadow of Usman dan Fodio by
René Wadlow
- 07/02/2015 : Worldcitizens
March, issue n° 2
- 29/01/2015 : Romain
Rolland : the cosmopolitan spirit by René
- 29/01/2015 : Overleven
door Wereldrecht (, 2015-01) (short content in
- 12/11/2015 : Charlie
Hebdo: Alternative press hard hit by terrorist
attack, by René Wadlow
- 11/01/2015 : Concordia
International University, by Charles Mercieca
- 01/12/2014 : Laying
the Foundations of a World Citizens Movement
- 15/15/2014 : 15
November 1920 - The First Assembly of the League of
Nations, Geneva, by René Wadlow
- 11/10/2014 : Comprehensive
World Food Policy, by René Wadlow
- 02/10/2014 : Day
of Nonviolence: The Wheel of Time, by René
- 02/10/2014 : Nonviolent
Action: The Force of the Soul, by René
- 24/09/2014 : Impact of
Global Climate Change: World Citizens Prepare for 2015
Paris Climate Conference, by René
- 12/09/2014 : Islamic
State in Iraq-Syria: The Standards of World Law,
by René Wadlow
- 02/09/2014 : World
Law advanced by the UN Special Session on Human Rights
Violations in Iraq. by René Wadlow
- 23/08/2014 : Holocaust
survivors condemn Israel for 'Gaza massacre,'
- 19/08/2014 : Violent
conflicts in parts of Iraq and Syria, by
René Wadlow
- 10/08/2014 : Practical
Solution to the Middle East Conflict, by Charles
- 16/07/2014 : The
Law of the Seize, by René Wadlow
- 23/03/2014 : Egypt
Death Penalty, by René Wadlow
- 20/03/2014 : World
Unity Day
- 08/02/2014 :An
Olympic Flame of Light, by René
- 14/12/2013 : American
Government in Serious Trouble
- 10/12/2013 : A
stand for democracy in the digital age
- 07/12/2013 : Peace
as a Break between Wars and Preparation for New Wars
, by Charles Mercieca
- 01/12/2013 : The
Continuity of Wars in World History, by Charles
- 27/11/2013 : In tribute
to Garry Davis, by Daniel Durand
- 26/11/2013 : World
citizenship : The Emergence of a World
- 26/11/2013 : Culture of
War and Militaristic Culture of Peace, by Charles
- 16/11/2013 : Albert
Camus at 100: Stoic Humanist and World Citizen ,
by René Wadlow
- 11/11/2013 : The
association from Montauban "sentinels of peace ....."
does not know border.
- 31/10/2013 : Philosophy
of violence in operation, by Charles Mercieca
- 21/10/2013 : Post-2015
Development Agenda should include elected UN Assembly
to strengthen democratic participation
- 17/10/2013 : Toward
a democratic and equitable international order
- 10/10/2013 : Survival
by world law - contents (news from Hove, Belgium)
october 2013
- 28/09/2013 Mississauga
: Celebration of Peace Day Renowned
professor given World Citizenship award, by Jason
- 23/09/2013 : Celebration
of International Peace Day, by World
- 21/09/2013 : Celebration
of International Peace Day in Mississauga,
Ontario, Canada (bild
- 19/09/2013 : Education
is vital for fostering global citizenship and building
peaceful societie, by Ban Ki Moon
- 02/09/2013 : Syria,
Chemical Weapons Use and the Need for Negotiated Peace
Efforts, by René Wadlow
- 26/08/2013 : The
Emerging World Community, by René
- 25/08/2013 : NEW
- 10/08/2013 : Citizens
of the World: A bibliography of current writings in
English, by René Wadlow
- 24/07/2012 : Garry
Davis: « And Now the People Have The Floor
», by René Wadlow
- 13/07/2013 : The
Violation of the Human Rights of Persons Considered as
Non-citizens, by René Wadlow
- 26/06/2013 : Rape as
a weapon of war, by René Wadlow
- 21/06/2013 : New Age
Global Revolution in clear progress, by
- 24/05/2013 : The Three
Waves of Modern World Citizen Action, by
René Wadlow
- 15/05/2013 : Sri
Lanka: Four Years after the wars end, little
reconciliation, few creative changes, by
René Wadlow
- 11/05/2013 : Year
of Water Cooperation, by René Wadlow
- 26/03/2013 : Korea :
crisis and opportunity, by René Wadlow
- 03/03/2013 : partial
report of the World Citizens Assembly
- 27/01/2013 : The
Association of World Citizens Promotes Knowledge and
Skills for World Citizenship, by René
- 22/01/2013 : World
Interfaith Harmony Week : Steps Toward A Harmony
Renaissance, by René Wadlow
- 21/12/2012 : Perspective
of the Most Violent Nation in the Civilized World,
by Charles Mercieca
- 19/12/2012 : When will
we finally have a world government? by Goerge
- 12/12/2012 : Lucknow
Declaration seeks new world order
- 12/12/2012 : How to
Bring Government under Full Control by Charles
- 26/11/2012 : Women
appeal against nuclear
- 10/11/2012 : A
Middle East Nuclear-weapon Free Zone, by
René Wadlow
- 25/10/2012 : World
Peace Movement: Peace and Disarmament from Harmony
- 15/10/2012 : Nobel
Peace Prize for the European Union, by Chris
- 14/10/2012 : René
Dumont, World Citizen by René Wadlow
- 29/09/2012 : Syrian
Stalemate: Late in the Day: Are Negotiations Still
Possible? by René Wadlow
- 25/09/2012 : Welcoming
message to the meeting of Bergerac, by Rob
- 21/09/2012 : Port
Credit couple awarded for world citizenship
efforts, by Chris Clay - Mississauga - Canada
- 21/09/2012 : Role
of Governments in Promoting Peace, by Charles
Mercieca, Ph.D.
- 26/06/2012 : Remembering
Henry Philip Isely, by Eugenia Almand