Born in 1944 I am the founder of Planetafilia, AC, which proposes to transform the U.N. as World Federation of Nations. I am a speaker at various forums such as the University of Sapporo, the Commonwealth Club of San Francisco, the 61st and 62nd conferences of DPI--NGO(U.N.) in Paris and Mexico D.F.. I call for the World Alliance for the Transformation of the United Nations (WATUN) since the 25th Congress of WFM in Geneva. I am a representative of UNPA (Mexico). I am also an advisor of DWF and Vice-President International of ''Vote World Parliament '' (Canada) Create an awareness that we live in a time of Copernican decision to transform the idea of absolute national sovereignty to the sovereignty of humanity through two parallel paths: A) The transformation of the U.N. into a World Federation of Nations through the revision of the San Francisco Charter (Art 109) B) The global referendum on world democracy and the INICIATIVA TRIO, which is a popular initiative on three world laws:
Finally, my intention as delegate to the Peoples Congress is stimulated in conjunction with other organizations of the civil society, the development of the primary electoral processes of the world parliament in conformity with the electoral processes being proposed in the attached document entitled ''Convocatoria PARMUN'' |