Has the
Peoples Congress statutes ?
The Peoples Congress is an autonomous institution built
around "Regulation". These
Regulations were adopted at the session of Paris in July
1977 and was published in the book "Peoples Congress". These
Regulations were amended at the session of Paris in October
2003. The current version of the Regulations was adopted by
a vote during the session of Liege in November 2007.
The Peoples Congress does not have "national" statute. It
is relayed to a national level if necessary "insurance,
banking practice or other) by committees for the Peoples
The legal Situation :
By history, the Peoples Congress stems from a
determination supported by
individuals and organs of society. The
very idea of the Peoples Congress was
officially presented at the Congress of World Federalists
held in Brussels in early May 1963, bringing forth from
the people's world an elected organ to represent it and
to create step by step, the world law. The
electorate consists of people who have
voluntarily registered as voters either directly with the
Registry of World Citizens of indirectly from a
geographic community of with Movements. From this
point of view, the Peoples Congress is absolutely
independent of states and international
The 12 pas elections have involved about 110,000
voters spread in 114 countries. This transnational basis
and supranational objectives are that the Peoples
Congress cannot depend on national legislation or even on
an international organization.
It's Legitimacy :
The legal reference of the Peoples Congress is the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This declaration
is not a convention or an international treaty but an
incredibly audacious act from its editors to
announce the coming on the social and international
plan "of an order" such that the rights and liberties
enunciated in the present declaration can be fully
realized (Article 28). The order will be based on
the "will of the people", the foundation of the
public authority. This will must be expressed through
elections" (Article 21-3)
It is also said in that declaration that the
implementation of Human Rights will be made only by the
will of all individuals and all organs of
society (paragraph 8 of the preamble).
This declaration was signed by 191 states which by
this act recognized in advance the legitimacy of an Organ
of the people to bring forth from the people of the
world for the implementation of the rights and liberties
there - in enunciated.
This confirms the unusual legal position of the
Peoples Congress : legitimacy provided by elections
confirmed by the signature of the States and therefore
absolute independence rendering account only to its
The Peoples Congress is governed by a
"Regulation" that takes into account the three components
identified by the Declaration : an
legitimized by the
and based in its work by the participation of
all individuals and
organs of society (Consultative
The Support Committees
This innovative existence of the Peoples Congress
cannot concretely exist and live unless it leans on
existing structures under the legislations "local" banks,
insurance, congress organizers, security may be required
in their services if only the organization conforms with
the laws of the country where an event takes place.
That's why since 1963, May 23 a Committee for the
Peoples Congress was established. The general idea is
that such Committee can be set up in all countries where
this is necessary or possible. The principle was adopted
by consensus of the delegates present at the session of
the Peoples Congress held in Brasilia
in May 2009 and is covered in the report.
To this date, there is only on "Committee
for the Peoples Congress" the one created in
May 23, 1963 still in practice. This Committee is
statutorily composed of representatives of three branches
: two delegates to the Peoples Congress (or commissioned
by it), two representatives of the Registry of World
Citizens (or affiliated center), two representatives of
the Consultative Assembly.
How are the
finances ?
When we understand the aspects of legitimacy
and recognition of the Peoples Congress
and supports that are organized around it,
the finance organization seems simple. The session of the
Congress of Peoples held in Brasilia has confirmed the
following schedule:
- Where a support committee in the Peoples Congress are
legally in relation to the legislation of the country, a
bank account is opened. The payments come from "all
individuals and organs of society" can be made on
behalf of the Peoples Congress.
- The multiplication of these committees support is
desirable. However, in the absence of such a committee,
the money paid for the Peoples Congress are preferably
made in the country where there is such an account to be
paid on this account.
- The Financial Advisor, elected
by the Executive Committee of the Peoples Congress
manages all the sums and available to the
Peoples Congress.
Pourquoi y
a-t-il des Délégués dont le mandat
n'est pas limité dans la durée
. Le Règlement du Congrès des Peuples
approuvé lors de la session de 1977 à Paris,
ne contient aucune limite de mandat. Par contre, les
bulletins de présentation des candidats font
état d'un mandat de dix ans. Il y a donc confusion
à ce sujet, et diverses interprétations.
- Le Comité pour le Congrès des Peuples,
issu du Congrès de Bruxelles (3 au 5 mai 1963), a
décidé lors de la réunion du
23 mai 1963 à
Paris, que le mandat des Délégués
serait de deux ans au moins et de quatre ans au plus
- Le règlement du Congrès des Peuples
approuvé lors de la session de 1977 à
Paris, ne contient aucune limite de mandat (livre
"Congrès des Peuples" pages 99 à 104). Ce
Règlement a eu force de loi de 1977 à
- La limitation de mandat figurant sur le
matériel électoral à partir de 1973
(v. même livre, page 108) serait le fruit d'une
décision du "Comité pour le Congrès
des Peuples" organisateur des élections, et non du
Congrès des Peuples.
- Les documents diffusés par Guy Marchand,
jusqu'en 1993, puis par Renée Marchand de 1993
à 1998 comportent tous, dans la marge gauche, la
liste de tous les Délégués
élus et de tous les Délégués
suppléants selon une démarche inclusive et
cumulative, ignorant toute limite de mandat.
- Lors de la session de Liège, en 2007, une
décision a été prise à
l'unanimité des Délégués
présents moins une voix concernant la situation
des Délégués issus des
élections précédentes. Cette
décision a force de loi et doit être
respectée au moins jusqu'au renouvellement complet
du Congrès des Peuples (2013).
- L'annonce faite dans le bulletin " Citoyens du Monde
" n° 3 (nouvelle série) page 8 selon laquelle
sept Délégués élus
seraient arrivés au terme de leur mandat n'est
pas fondée. L'auteur de l'article a sans doute
imaginé que l'on pouvait écarter les
Délégués issus des 5
premières élections.
Aucune décision n'a
été prise dans ce sens. Et
pourquoi seulement sept
Délégués, alors qu'il en reste
neuf en fonction ?
La limite dans la durée du mandat des
Délégués à neuf ans a
été introduite au Règlement du
Congrès des Peuples par une décision prise
lors de la session de Paris en octobre 2003 (voir
le compte-rendu au point 6.4.) . Le nouveau
règlement a été voté à
Liège en novembre 2007.
Quels sont
les autres membres du Conseil des Sages et est-ce que l'Asie
y est représentée ?
Le Conseil des Sages a été
suggéré lors de la session 2003 du
Congrès des Peuples, il a été
institué par l'adoption du Règlement
révisé le 4 novembre 2007. A ce jour, le seul
membre est Henri Cainaud. Peuvent être admis comme
membres tous les anciens élus du Congrès des
Peuples qui en font la demande. S'agissant de
délégués vivant en Asie, sont
admissibles : Bhupendra Kishore, Davy Prasad, Hideaki
Kuwabara, Prachoomsuk Achava-Amrung, à condition
qu'ils en fassent la demande.