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Registry of World Citizens - Assembly - Elected Delegates





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As Citizens of the World,

Faced with the destruction processes which are being organized before our eyes, and with the confessed helplessness of the nation-states and international organizations, in order to defend our lives, we declare humankind and the whole biosphere in danger; we declare that the whole of humankind has a right to defend itself against any world’s power, any ideology, or any propaganda which claims to justify any ecocide or war.

Before it is too late:

We want a common system of law and a federal world power able to enforce it,

We ask that we, the people of the world, the only true sovereign at this level, be democratically consulted, and that we organize for ourselves elections to a World Constituent Assembly, and at the same time the world technical organizations to guarantee our food, our security, and our service of public information.

We call on the people of the world, each of us, to mobilize for peace, so as not to be mobilized tomorrow by Governments for wars.

We intend to count our forces, ignoring frontiers, by accepting a card common to all citizens of the world.

We shall remain watchful and active until the people of the world assemble to give the world a Constitution.


This pact introduces the Federal Regulation of the Registry of World Citizens.
It is a simplified and updated version of the
historical pact of 14 April 1949.

To be registered as a World Citizen

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