face to the General Assembly of the "united" Nations |
The mundialists should not count on governments or parliaments to bring together the Peoples Constituent Assembly that will give humanity the means to maintain peace and to overcome world poverty. They have to take things in their own hands and to create themselves progressively the Assembly representing the people of the world. This is the basic idea of the People's Congress Taking into account the temporary weakness of the mundialists forces it is necessary to foresee an organization that could be created rapidly and that start to function with little money and without row and able to develop functionally, in order to become gradually more and more visible As the People's Congress reinforce itself ,it will become more important and will represent in front of the Nation States:
The People's Congress will and must have at each phase of its development a important role to play: More its image grows more its voice, our voice become stronger and the governments will have to deal with this new trans-national force
This session of Paris was a real overhaul of the People's Congress which took into account civil society globalist and incorporated by a vote of 26 October 2003. Therefore, the People's Congress consists of two branches
Each branch has its own "rules". However, the resolution of the People's Congress includes ASCOP and organizes the Presidency (Article 10.2). The two branches are intertwined and inseparable. The roles are not the same:
During this session, it was stated this - which is reported in the report: "The Assembly will be legislative and the Congress executive, the assembly can garner the support of associations concerned." And from another angle: "The People's Congress, which is a foreshadowing of the future World Constituent Assembly, is a goal, the means being the assembly." This is why the status of the ASCOP is inner People's Congress and that any session of the People's Congress now leads the participation of ASCOP. This is much more than a creation People's Congress: it is because of the vote of October 26, 2003, inseparable from the institution, the very condition of its existence, condition for the validity of any session. The legitimacy of the People's Congress Legal Citation People's Congress is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This statement is not an international treaty or convention, but incredibly bold act of its editors to announce that, on the social level and the international level, an "order in which the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration can be fully realized. " (Article 28) Article 28 This echoes the third preambular paragraph, which says it essential that human rights should be protected by the rule of law. This order will be based on "the will of the people, the foundation of the authority of government. This will shall be expressed in periodic elections ..." (Article 21-3). It is also said in the same statement, that the implementation of Human Rights will be made only by the desire "to all individuals and all organs of society" (paragraph 8 of the preamble). This declaration was adopted by 191 states, which thus recognized in advance the legitimacy of a body of people to emerge for the global implementation of rights and freedoms. This confirms the legal position atypical People's Congress: given legitimacy through elections, and accepted in advance by the states upon their accession to the UN Charter and additional documents including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The People's Congress is governed by "Rules" which takes into account the three components identified by the Declaration: "order" legitimized "elections" and based in its work by the participation of all individuals and corporate bodies ( Consultative Assembly) |
The People's Congress is a step towards the creation of a World Assembly can establish and control the World Institutions indispensable to the survival of humanity and the preservation of the biosphere. |