On the 9th of May 1983, addressing the meeting
of the O.E.C.D., the President of France François
MITTERAND, was saying :
"As was seen in the aftermath of the Second World
War, everything begins with the value of money. The task
of returning to the conditions of a stable monetary
system, with fixed and economically fair rates of
exchange, is therefore urgent".
and again, concerning the Third World :
No world recovery, no system of money or
exchange will be durable if the economic and financial
position of the South remains blocked. if these countries
can find no dependable way of servicing their debts and
of promoting their own growth, their political stability
will be threatened. That is happening already".
It seems appropriate, at this time of the Williamsburg
Summit, to recall a project of Charles WARIN for a
"primon", or prime unit, tied to no country and
independent of the dollar, and to be used by the Central
Banks. Is it too much to expect that this proposal be
studies by an International Commission ?
Charles WARIN (1907-1980) began a study of the problem
after the financial crisis of 1929. He sought the
creation of "an international currency with the same
rules applying to all countries and putting value on
abundance rather than on scarcity".
Charles WARIN has written three books :