RECIM-info n° 5
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We just celebrated throughout the year 2008 the sixtieth anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, but at the same time we have attained sixty years of the universal non-implementation of these rights. This text promulgated December 10, 1948, while the fields of ruins left by the 2nd World War were still numerous, whereas the people suffered many restrictions, when everybody feared that the blocade of Berlin did not degenerate into a new war. This text prepared for three years is still regarded as one of the major texts in the history of mankind. So why is it not implemented? Among the reasons that we can bring about, let's retain two. Firstly, this declaration is that of principle, a kind of "code of good conduct". The UN Charter, passed in 1945, after a short preamble, has sought to describe or predict the operation of the organization.. In the context of the Charter, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights completes the Charter by stating the philosophy of universal civilization that is offers. And now, since December 10, 1948, every new state seeking admission to the United Nations is supposed to know both the Charter to which it adheres as well as the Universal Declaration which supplements the former.. However, a declaration is not a law. The second reason for the non-implementation of Human Rights requires us to consider the nature of the organization of those nations who do not want the unity which the world could dream of. No! Unity stops at the nature of the components. Is this gathering of states anything other than an exchange of interests? A Wall Street tinted with courtesy and diplomacy, which seeks to bring a little humanity to the victims of the financial pandemic. Prevented from acting by the Charter itself, the UN can only sing the refrain that Dr. Evatt, President of the General Assembly of the United Nations created in 1948 to respond to the demands of World Citizens. December 9, 1948 "The UN is not there to make peace, but to maintain it when the states would have organized it". That could be parodied in December 10, 1948. "The UN is not there to enforce the Universal Declaration of Human Rights but to serve it again when the states would have organized it". Here the message is clear: if we can not rely on the states nor on the international organizations, then let us rejoin all the citizens who have begun to build the world in which we wish to live. Daniel:
History of silence. It has been more than two years since the publication of the newsletter RECIM-info. no 4 and yet our team (volunteers) is far from idle. The 11th elections to the Peoples Congress was held. The Peoples Congress has held two sessions: At Liege, in November 2007 and at Brasilia in May 2009. The year 2008 saw a great many activities, and the site , www.recim.org was reconstructed and enriched. This paper newsletter is more specifically designed for those who do not have internet.. . I wish you good reading. Daniel:
The previous newsletter RECIM info #4 had made an appeal for candidatures. Following this, 20 people applied for the election of 15 new delegates to the Peoples Congress . 20 candidates, ie, the exact number expected. The Board of Elections Control did not intervene to ''select" the best and it was the voters who chose their delegates directly. The electorate consisted of 5,000 people from 110 different countries. However, documents of 376 individuals were returned mainly due to changes of address (and some deaths) Here are the election results
The mandate of the 15 elected is nine years, until 2016. Presentations and intentions of each candidate are available at: www.recim.org/a 07/kandidati.htm. . On request, we can send you by post the 'Profile of Candidates.' These 15 new representatives were added to the remaining 30 elected from the first 10 elections. Executive Committee and Board At the session of Liege (see below) the delegates present elected 9 Delegates to constitute the Executive Committee. It is composed of: Peter Davidse, Chris Hamer, Marc Garcet, Ursula Grattapaglia, Liliane Metz-Krenker, Heloisa Primavera, Ulisses Riedel, Rob Wheeler, Roger Winterhalter. Then, the Executive Committee elected the Board consisting of:
Committee of Elders: Henry Cainaud Note that President Heloisa Primavera has resigned from this office on May 6, 2009. Under Article 8.4 of the Regulations, it is Liliane Metz-Krenker who currently holds that office. The mandate of the Executive Committee and the Board is three years. Upcoming elections of delegates to the Peoples Congress: Between June 21 and September 21, 2010.
Questions from readers: I do not understand why 1/3 of candidates are French, more than half Europeans and there are only 3 women out of 20 people, it is a very bad distribution Marie-Therese T (France, 38) The recent election to the Peoples Congress gives me the opportunity to note that the list of 20 applicant(s) for a seat did not include any candidature from China, Japan, Indonesia, Turkey, Pakistan, Egypt, Algeria, Russia, Canada ., while France must have seemed overrepresented.. Such an imbalance with regard to both the demographic importance of the countries listed and the necessary diversified global distribution responsibilities should at all costs be avoided in the future. I think my feelings can be shared by many. Andre F (France, 57) Answer: We fully agree with the comments made by Marie-Therese and Andre. We would have liked that candidatures are from people fairly distributed across the planet, that there is parity between men and women from all social classes, schools of thought and between all shades of skin colour. But the reality is not that one. Through various media, we launched an appeal for candidatures. We needed a minimum of 20 candidates and the committee received 20 candidatures, not one more: The desire to build global democracy appeared only in 112 out of 192 countries. This means that the geographical distribution of world electorates is not in any way proportional to the distribution of world population. However, the committee noted that candidatures in 2007 expressed quite well the geographical distribution of voters in the Peoples Congress. Regarding the different parties, the commission implements the spirit of Article 2 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, namely that we should not commit any discrimination (was it "positive"!). Only the history, competence, and programmes can be the determining factor. Candidatures, have been carried out as such in front of the sovereign judgment of the voters. The Election Control Commission. Article 4.6 of the Regulation of the P.C The Elections Control Commission will ensure a balanced distribution of candidatures according to the criteria consistent with the spirit of Article 2 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Article 2 of the UDHR Everyone is entitled to all rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction as to race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or of any other opinion, of national or social origin, property, birth or other status.
page 3 2, 3 and 4 November, 2007 Finally, the Peoples Congress has found again a real existence even if the institution must again wander about to regain the visibility which was lost for years and the calibre which everyone expects it to be. The meeting on friday evening took place at the youth hostel in Liege essentially to be known, first of all during lunch, then at the evening reception party. They were 14 elected by the Peoples Congress. We were 25 that formed the Consultative Assembly. The saturday and sunday meetings were held at the Herstal Motorium (an old factory) a place managed by the Guidance and Health Interregional Association. It is the GHIA which hosted the session. Roger Winterhalter, the outgoing President has welcomed the participants by highlighting on our utopia: we must invent the world of tomorrow, that of knowing how to live together, we must speak about it but we must especially make it. Marc Garcet and Henri Cainaud, the most former elected ones, have wanted to pay homage to Guy and Rene Marchand. Without them, the immense hope born from the sudden appearance of world citizenship in 1948 would have disappeared and the pioneers forever lost. Marc insisted on the philosophical and humanist values which were held by different commissions in the 1960s and 90s which led to the edition of about a twenty books and which have justified the creation of the Globalist Studies Institute of which he is now the President. Then Henri went as far back at that time to recall that the idea of democratic globalism was actually sustained in the 1920s by a movement led by the American Lola MLloyd and the Hurgarian Rosika Swimmer. 80 years have passed and the events show everyday that the world has not yet found the rules of its proper existence. On this the assembly divided in several work groups Live Together, Make Together, Solidarity Economy, Material and Financial means. RESULTS OF THE SESSION
The Peoples Congress exists as an element of the construction of global democracy. The Paternity of this institution goes back to the Dutch journalist Alfred Rodrigues- Brent who succeeded to convince the main globalist organizations of the 1950s and 60s to elaborate a process capable of positioning itself little by little in relation to the UNO or even take the relay Elections have been organized from 1969. These transnational elections concerned in 114 countries a little more than 100000 people registered on a world electoral list. Passed the 10th election in 1998, the Peoples Congress found itself confronted by real difficulties which made it modify the electoral rules during its meetings held from 2003 to 2006. Then the year 2007 has been that of take- off by the institution: 15 new delegates have been elected and the renewed Peoples Congress united twice in session.
Planned since the session of Liege(November 2009) this session of Brasilia has been badly put as a result in part from some difficulties arising from the organization of programmes initially planned, and on the other hand from the pandemics announced about the swine flu. This uncertainty and the difficulties turned to become so oppressive that Mme Heloisa Primavera judged it well to put an end to her man -date as President of the Peoples Congress. But the registered participants have well held on and they came so that the planned session could validly take place but with a newly worked out agenda. Two meetings in one As that has always been, the meetings of the Peoples Congress gathered not only the elected Delegates but equally the world citizens and the representatives of organizations The elected Delegates to the People Congress formed a sort of parliamentary assembly whereas since 2004, the world citizens and the organizations, genuine globalist civil society are gathered within the Consultative Assembly by the Peoples Congress (ASCOP) of which the members are about 80 organizations from 23 countries. Some important sites The session was held from the 11th to 15 may essentially in common meetings, however with two moments where the Peoples Congress and ASCOP sat differently. The decision taken at Brasilia open up important sites which all those who feel to be world citizens and all voluntary organizations could invest there- in. A group of four subjects concerned human rights. In response, the session of Brasilia has decided to create an organism regrouping all persons or organizations with the aim to create a global institution of human rights. This institution would be constituted of a legal and social body emanating from the NGOs or from any person pursuing the same orientations for the defense and promotion of human rights. In this objective, it is envisaged within the best possible time, a human rights charter allowing to set down the definition, and the concrete actions for the defense of human rights. The final text must serve as defender of human rights, as from now in countervailing power. The association `Act for Human Rights' has received the mandate to conduct the preliminary works.For that, one foresees already the holding of a Globalist Studies Seminar at Chelles in the month of may 2010. World Solidarity Against Hunger can participate in it. Another group of subjects concerned the relation with UNO. The Peoples Congress wishes to obtain a status by UNO. At the same time, it gives its acceptance to a campaign for the rights of the world's people for a direct representation within the UNO, These two groups of decisions characterises the balanced vision of the future of the world and international institutions. No one knows the future and if the globalist moves blown up by the creators of the Peoples Congress appear to us the most legitimate, however it could not ignore the existence and the capacity of revision of the international institutions. The next session of the Peoples Congress will take place at Zagora (Morocco) at the beginning of the month of november 2010 either some week after the 12th elections of the Peoples Congress of which the counting is planned in September 2010. N.B: As at now, Liliane Metz-Krenker is in charge of the presidency of the Peoples Congress according to article 8,4 of the regulations of the Peoples Congress. ALWAYS AMAZONIA Certain world citizens have been called to participate in a world campaign of signatories for the safeguard of the Amazonia. This campaign has collected more than 1,500,000 signatories and has brought about a special federal senate session of Brazil on Wednesday 13th may. The members of ASCOP and the Peoples Congress present went to the senate to witness the debates . The debates were of course in Portuguese but thanks to the services of the esperantists, all could follow the protocol and the themes developed. There has been a very particular interest of our presence in the senate. Indeed, Muriel Saragoussi should speak there in the name of a Collective of 600 indigenous organizations of the Amazonia. Muriel is an elected Delegate at the Peoples Congress. From the point of view of Ursula Grattapaglia who has followed very attentively his speech, the proposals of Muriel were excellent so much for the cause of the populations which she represents as well for the point of view of the global democracy yet to be born. Remarkably also, the intervention of a young girl of 12years who spoke in front of the senate for being the spokesperson of the young ones of her generation so that those in charge now leave them a land where life will be possible.
(photos) At Brasilia 'Paraisso na Terra' The building where the Peoples Congress session took place Landing Niassy (Senegal) in company of Ursula and Guiseppe Grattapaglia (Brazil) Interview of Peter Davidse by Ulisses Riedel within the TV Suprem compound Translation by Ana-Maria de Mesquita
Make Together - World Citizens During the putting in place of the internal commission of ASCOP 'Make together' at Liege on the fringe of the Peoples Congress session, we have retained to work on the LINKS in order to advance our trend of globalist ideas to see one day some institutions and a global democratic parliament representative of the whole planet's populations. It's to come to convince everyone of a new '' imaginary". To move forward our ideas, it's to convince, create some relations, some connections with the people who live by our side. A citizenship, a civism, a global solidarity are only meaningful if that is translated by citizenship initiatives at the local level which give reality to our ideas. It's on everyday ground where we have to set down the basis of our work of "Make together'', advance our ideas in the head to see them materialize at the polls. That's why we must quickly equip ourselves with a work tool: a network of links which transforms itself into a spider's web to link us again and to be quickly informed for. ACT We are going to endeavour to put in place with your help a MAKE TOGETHER NETWORK. There, you will find the means to inform (us and you), to elaborate the proposals and to work and act together. TO KNOW Learn to know oneself to federate "the good ideas", "the good questions" and "the good answers", the points of view and the taking of position on the "evolution of society". Take census and federate the women, the men, the organizations and associations which carry original or innovating views, ideas or ' projects' to best live together in a plural society. To know and make known the whole of expressions and multi cultural or globalist actions. To exchange Give the word to those who act on the everyday ground. It's on the ground that we have to set down the basis of a new citizenship , in advancing our ideas in our heads. They are the first tracks to act together. It's for us to use them, to broadcast them and to enrich them. We wish to be able to associate you as more largely possible to our move. We wish to see you numerous, to participate, animate, propose some ideas. That's why we must make together the link. We no longer have time to lose
(photos) The network "Make together"- World Citizens can settle anywhere, wherever one lives. The photograph here shows an example of the production made at Bruxelles in association with a group "Make togethe-World Citizens'' at the sub-way station "Belgica" two large portraits produced by 500 people of which a lot of "dissident minority" on the theme of global warming. Those who can reach out to the internet are invited to discover the page www.recim.org\ascop'rezol-fr.htm The network is considerably developed in Facebook including more than 3000 people scattered in a dozen groups. ASCOP-chez Alain Bal, I6 rue de Belleneuve, 21270 BINGES (France)
ASCOP Born in 2003 from the wish of the Peoples Congress to assemble under one single roof all the organizations which were linked to it by the creation, the election or the ordinary help, ASCOP has acquired its maturity on the occasion of the session of Brasilia. Indeed, this organ of the globalist civil society has transmitted to the elected delegates of the Peoples Congress, all the expectations of the associations and ordinary citizens. In return, ASCOP was given by the People Congress the care to pursue the reflection and the work with the prospect of the creation of Globalist Institution of Human Rights.. Immense Task. ASCOP assembles today about 80 organizations from 23 countries, but of which several of them are international organizations, ASCOP is itself registered at the Legal Service of the Peoples Congress as an organization of global law. If you want to reinforce the action capacity of ASCOP, the membership, contributions and gifts can be sent to ASCOP (address below)
www.recim.org Click on "French", then on the symbol. You will freely reach out to the pages of information on ASCOP. Make together - World Citizens in Facebook
SERVAS In 1948, Both Luitweiler, had the idea to create the network SERVAS to facilitate meetings between individuals and families from all over the world. The association's first objective is to work for greater peace and tolerance by individually meeting people from all countries and all cultures irrespective of origins or languages. SERVAS contributes in promoting understanding among peoples who are involved in the construction of peace for 50 years, the fruit of these meetings between people from different countries and different cultures, knowledge of the other, exchange, friendship, promote tolerance among peoples. As an international association, SERVAS has an observer seat at the United Nations among the NGOs. SERVAS has nearly 15000 members worldwide in 120 countries. Hosts and travelers agree to take time for exchange and meeting with the other in a total gratuitousness for a minimum duration of 2 days. The host(ess)opens his/her house and grants time to the traveler for him /her to discover his/her lifestyle and culture. The important thing is the quality of the reception, the exchange and meeting. SERVAS is to keep its freedom to preserve its values of tolerance and openness through meetings between individuals. Becoming a member of SERVAS is to accept its ethics, its operations and its core principles of tolerance which facilitate meetings and work for peace.
20 March 2010, equinox day, World Citizens day, World Unity day. Twice a year, the earth's trajectory makes it that the sun becomes perpendicular to the equator. Those days, whereas at the poles the sun appears in semi-circle to the horizon, everywhere elsewhere, the lighting and the darkness are exactly of equal length: 12 hours of day and 12 hours of night. They are the equinoxes of Spring and Autumn. And if we project this cosmic equality on our life of citizen? Equality of persons in rights and responsibilities, equality of persons among them, despite the differences, equality before the law. On several occasions, in recent history, world citizens have proposed that one or the other of these dates or the two be celebrated as world citizens day, the day of world unity the day of action against the inequality, against the injustices, against racism and against exclusion, the day during which all the inhabitants of the earth would be invited to reflect on the future humanity and the planet. On 4th November,2007 while answering a petition presented by ASCOP, the Peoples Congress voted the officialization of the equinox of March as World Citizens day- World Unity Day.
Thanks for giving us your ideas and your initiatives. WHAT ARE OUR SYMBOLS? Symbols are essential to the mind to mark at the identity, the belonging, the engagement or the will. The anniversaries, the jubilees, the cotton weddings or the golden weddings ,the flowers, the trademarks, the logos, the emblems, the flags, the hymns, the uniforms, the monuments, the words, the parables, the ceremonies, the handshakes-all that is symbol. And by the use of such and such symbol in such and such circumstance that a message can be delivered. World Citizens as we are, must they also resort to symbols sufficiently diversified in order to make known our message and signify our community of life and of destiny around common values: brotherhood, solidarity, respect for man, democracy, respect for life, respect for the planet,overcoming barriers, global vision, liberty, the blossoming of everyone etc. To carry these values and make known our message. We have some symbols
Here are two supplementary symbols
These symbols which are those of world citizenship, are not exclusive from the other symbols carried forth in the same direction such as the day of the earth, world peace day, the day against racism, etc. They are not exclusive nonetheless, of other symbols capable in assembling us towards the unity to which we all aspire: a hymn, a flag, a common language? It belongs to World citizens to write their own history.
Trees of World Unity planted:
Historically, the first globalizations date from the same era (1949) as that of the creation of the World Citizens Registry and proceed from the same approach: . registration as world citizens entails an individual approach while globalization of towns and communes are of a collective approach. Fallen into oblivion for some time, the globalizations resumed with resolution in the early 1970's and a globalization commission has existed since this era, linked to the activity of Roger and Renee Volpelliere, Henri Cainaud, George Mary, Guy and Renee Marchand and others. For over ten years, it's Roger Winterhalter who inspired this commission with quite remarkable success. Lutterback, St. Nolff, Chelles, Lehaucourt, Grambois (France), Boulock (Gambia), Gjilan (Kosovo), Dario (Nicaragua), Kalonge, Kashusha, Mbanza Ngungu, Muchungiko, Chegera (Congo D.R), Kohe (Togo) Stabroek (Belgium), etc. On proposal from the Board of the Registry made on 29th April, 2008 and accepted by the commission on 28th October 2008, this latter constitutes henceforth a branch of activity for the registry. But it was necessary to go further in the reorganization due to the revision of the regulations of the Peoples Congress while the Globalizations Commission was solely composed of interested world citizens; the new text provides that the geographical communes called to vote at the Peoples Congress be effectively represented by delegation within the working groups. Thus in two steps: a vote from the Registry of the World Citizens Administrative Council and a meeting which was held at Creteil (France) on the 28th March, 2009, the former globalizations commission has become the World Citizens Territories Council. The report of this meeting and the history are available on simple request at the address of this newsletter. This reform is important because it implies that any territory that wants to declare itself "World Citizen" provides a person or a committee who will be the "contact" of the Council of World Citizens Territories, but equally a delegate be provided to represent the territory within the council.. Of course, this reform concerns the new territories but equally the old communes who should explain the process. What can it serve? See all the suggestions made here. The educational challenge for the sensitization of the residents of these territories is really interesting. Then two questions may arise: If you live in one of the 974 World Citizens Territories, why don't you express it and if your place of residence, place of work or studies has not as yet taken that step, would you be ready to embark on this adventure? http://www.recim.org/dem/conseil.an.htm.
1. 1. Accra, on the 7, 8 and 9 November, 2008. some world citizens from Ghana, Togo, La Cote d'Ivoire and France met at Laterbiokoshie, peripheral town of Accra to continue the reflection initiated during the Bohicon Seminar of 2006. One of the themes developed was on democracy in Africa. The idea of the speaker (and organizer) Karl Kpodo is that democracy must be considered as a whole. Can we establish it at the global level if there is not enough knowledge of it at the local level? From where the idea of the African Democratic Council. We will talk about it later. The other theme was about citizen initiative and more particularly on matters of the preservation of the environment. From where the idea to constitute "Committees of Local Initiative to Improve the Environment" (CILAME?) 2. Zagora, on the 26, 27 and 28 February, 2009. This same theme of citizen initiative was developed by about a sixty people coming from France and Morocco who met at Zagora. From local citizenship to world citizenship. This seminar has mainly advocated the networking for the capacity building of all stakeholders. The reports are available on the internet in French : http://www.recim.org/dem/arkiv.fr.htm. You can also ask for them at the address of this newsletter. 3. OUAGADOUGOU from the 14 to 19 December, 2009 at the BANGRIN HOTEL at Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. The CAFES (Centre for Assistance, Training and Employment) organizes in cooperation with the World Citizens Registry (WCR), The Consultative Assembly of the Peoples Congress and the Ministry of the Promotion of Human Rights in Burkina Faso, a training seminar on the following theme: "the Solidarity, Peace, Narcotics and Sustainable Development What to do ? "
With the presentation of
Registration fee 150.000 CFA per person (room hire, participatory certificate, coffee, Excursion fee and organization visit: 25000 CFA per person (tourist visits, recreation or cultural attendance. The subsistence allowances, insurance, accommodation, catering, travel and transportation expenses are the responsibility of each participant. Register directly with the CAFES 01 B.P 6368 OUAGADOUGOU 01 BURKINA FASO TEL: (226) 50 45 83 85 FAX: (226) 50 33 33 62 E-mail: cafes2005@yahoo.fr
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