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World Citizenship - Registry of World Citizens - ASCOP - Peoples Congress





Application - List of candidates - Voting Procedure

downloadable document in pdf

The year 2010 is the year of the partial replacement of the Peoples Congress.

The Peoples Congress is renewable per third every three years mandate..

In 2010 a second third of the Peoples Congress will be renewed.

During this election 15 new candidates will be elected for a period of 9 years.

The conditions to become a candidate are:

  • To be registered as a world citizen
  • To be more than 18 years old
  • To be active in an "mundialist" association since at least two years
  • To sign the candidates engagement

A candidacy file must be presented by the candidate to the election control committee and it should include:

  • A letter of candidacy
  • A picture ID
  • A biodata (CV) in relation with the humanist and "mundialist "action (10 lines maximum)
  • A declaration of intent ( 20 lines maximum)
  • A signed engagement of the candidate

An election control committee will validate the candidacies

For more information and to mail your file, please write to :

  • b10@recim.org or
  • or by post : Henri Cainaud, 4 rue de l'Artois, 21121 FONTAINE LES DIJON

The list of the validated candidatures will be announced in the city of Brasilia (Brazil) by TV-SUPREN,

The balloting will be closed on the International Day of Peace, on September 21, 2010

The count of the votes will take place on September 22, 2010

A plenary session of the Peoples Congress will be organized on November from 6 to 11 in Zagora (Moroko)


2010:Partial renewal of second third of the elected ones which is to say 15 delegates. To this election the 'College B' will be called to vote :

  • all the world citizens registered since 2007
  • the second third of the more older world citizens.

In 2013, the partial renewal of the last third of those elected by College 'C' will take place; that is to say, all the newly registered between 2010 and 2013 and the last third of the more older world citizens.

25 Candidates

The list of the candidates from 18 different countries.

Each name is preceded by a letter given according to the date of reception of the candidates’ file. This letter is beside the name on the voting paper. It is intended to simplify the operation of counting.

The electoral documents

Beginning of May will be devoted to preparation of the documents, namely:

  • A 14 pages booklet explaining about the importance of the vote and about the procedures, then for each candidate a half page presentation and presentation and objectives, and a photograph.
  • A voting bulletin format A5 unique for all the languages.
  • An anonymous envelop (election) small format
  • An envelope “Reply-Paid” ordinary postal format, for the return of the envelope elections. ( free for the shipper). The number of the voter or the number of the world citizen card, will be written on this envelop.


Taking into account the time necessary for translations, printing and sending, we hope to send the documents beginning of June.

Handling of the ballot papers:

The envelopes of post answer will be stored not open by the Audit Commission until September 20, 2010, closing date for the elections.

On September 21, the votes will be counted..

For these operations, the presence of approximately 40 people forming 12 or 13 counting tables will be necessary (3 persons per table)

  • Control of voters numbers
  • Opening of the T envelope and mixing of the Elections envelops.
  • Opening of the Elections Envelops. Loud announcement of the names and counting of the total of the voices

Cost of the Elections

At the present time, the exact number of voters is not known already. Basing on the cost on the printing works and the postal expenses, each vote will cost approximately 1, 80 €, that is to say probably a total cost higher than 10.000 €. Any contribution is welcomed.

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