Presentation - Program
Born in 1940
World Citizen Card number : 184581
Address : in Milan (Italy)

I propose my candidature as Peoples Congress delegate
starting 7 years ago as member of Tax Resisters League, NY,
I am the first italian citizen to start the fiscal
resistance to the military expenses, following the famous
speech of the President's of the Italian Republic in the
1978, Mr Sandro Pertini, who said: we must empty arsenals
and stuff granaries.
of intention
I decided to purpose me in order to develop, in the
worldwide Parliament, the international points, those who
see me, by long time, enrolled in so many associations of
the civil society with whom I collaborate there are several
Here the points:
- to dismiss the military and civil nuke doing to the
fact that the atomic technology constitue the worst
threat to the survival of the human genus
- to build the alternative choice based on the
renewables energies, convinced as I am that this is the
true 50% of the entire economic figure. And, of course,
in order to truly fight the global warming
- to leave the economy PIL oriented in order to turn
back to an economy of the rights, able to take care over
all the essential human needs. I would to ensue the
commandments of the six "R" at the level of the general
economic policies, that means
- Rediffuse (properties and common services)
- Redistribute (the profit in an egalitarian
- Relocalise (to produce in limited borders)
- Relate with the web the men, the work, the production
- Redecrease (consumption of the matters and of the
- Retransform (military production and those
These common achievements must feed on some individual
actions as to reduce, to reuse, to repair, to recycle, to
reduce speed.
As world citizen, ending, I would remember to all that we
took the planet lending from the next generations. As local
communities, we are only guards of the territories in the
name of all mankind