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20 - August 1981

While, in Nairobi, in Kenya, from the 10th to the 20th of next August the United Nations Conference on Energy is to be held at the same time as a forum organized by Non Governmental Organization (from August 9th to 16th ), it seems timely to recall the world declarations issued by the Peoples Congress

in 1972, at the time at the meeting in Stockholm, the one prepared by Josué de CASTRO :

As DELEGATES of the PEOPLE'S CONGRESS elected directly and democratically by a trans-national electorate spread over 110 countries


Our deep concern about the dangers that the human race is facing, due to:

  • The air and rivers pollution which knows no boundaries
  • The pollution of the oceans which have become a dumping ground for the world
  • The thoughtless destruction of arable land
  • The monstrous waste of natural resources which can never be replaced

Conscious that currently these problems cannot be solved because of the lack of world solidarity that would impose to the industrial companies a plan to fight this scourges,


That the delegates of the sovereign Nation-States gathered in Stockholm

  • realize the impossibility in which they are trapped, being the prisoners of the irremovable structures that they represent
  • act in an effective way in favour of the only solution that will insure the survival of humanity

By: the creation of World Institutions based on partial power delegation from the Nations-States, because the biosphere can only be protected by world law.

in 1974

We notice:

  • The continuing exploitation of the Third World by the privileged countries
  • The inequality in access to raw materials
  • The squandering of essential wealth


We Declare:

That it is absolutely essential to create World Institutions with limited but real power to ensure:

  • Rational exploitation of non renewable raw materials and of the existing energy sources
  • Impartial distribution of wealth among the globe population
  • Research and development of new and non polluting energy sources

 Only world solutions can solve the problems of the world survival






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