1.1 The People's Congress includes representatives of the people elected by universal suffrage according to the precise rule of article 3 1.2 The representatives are the delegates whose responsibilities are described in annex n 1 1.3 Are declared "elected delegates" the candidates who have obtained the greatest number of votes 1.4 In case of death, resignation or unexpected difficulties of a delegate, the non-elected delegate who has obtained the highest number of votes during the election of the outgoing delegate becomes a delegate 1.5 In case of absence of the delegate for more than one year, the Session can consider him as resigning. The decision, notified to him can be modified by an appeal to the People Men Council 1.6 The People's Congress can recruit experts and group of experts for the study of precise questions. Those experts will be chosen first in the bosom of the Consultative Assembly to the People's Congress (ASCOP) 1.7 The delegates participate legally to all the debates and have a right to a deliberate vote 1.8 An absent delegate can give a proxy to another delegate of his choice 1.9 In case of severe mistakes, a delegate can be revoked by the Executive Committee. Revocation becomes finale by a majority vote of the delegates. However the delegate can present an appeal to the Wise People Council which makes the final decision 2.1 The People's Congress will remain functional until a supra national federal world authority is definitely established 3. ELECTION TO THE PEOPLE's CONGRESS 3.1 A third of the People's Congress 45 delegates is re-elected every three years 3.2 The Delegates are elected for a 9 year renewable mandate 3.3 The votes are organised on a world trans-national basis according to the procedures and the calendar described in annex number 2 3.4 Every three year election must come to the composition of three batches "A" "B" C" of 15 delegates. However if the number of candidates is insufficient, the new elected batch will not be superior of the quarter of the candidates for that election 3.5 The election will be organized by an organization appointed by the People's Congress Executive Committee 3.6 A control commission will be appointed by the People's Congress Executive Committee. It will be chaired by a member of the Wise People Council. 3.7 The electors must be more than 16 years old
and registered at the World Citizen Registry. Organisations
and "mundialized" communities interested in participating in
the People's Congress election have to make arrangements
with the World Citizen Registry 3.8 It is a one turn election by single majority 3.9 The elections are free 4. CANDIDACY TO THE PEOPLE'S CONGRESS a) Eligibility criteria: 4.1 The People's Congress is open to everyone who wishes to become a candidate according to the required regulations and eligibility criteria:
b) Candidacy file: 4.2 Everyone who wants to become a candidate to the People's Congress must deposit his or her registration files to the Election Control Commission .This file must include:
c) Control Commission: 4.3 The Control Commission includes:
4.4 The Control Commission is chaired by a member of the Wise People Council 4.5 The Commission examines the candidacies and decides if they are accepted or rejected taking in account article 4.1, and 4.2 4.6 The Control Commission will make sure that there is a balanced distribution of candidacies according to the criteria described in article 2 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights 5. INTERNAL FUNCTIONS OF THE PEOPLE'S CONGRESS a) Executive Committee election: 5.1 The People's Congress elects an Executive Committee of 9 members three per batch of delegates as described in article 3.4 5.2 Every delegate can present his or her candidacy to the current President 5.3 The members of the Executive Committee will be elected for a duration of 3 years and re-eligible b) Financing: 5.4 The People's Congress will take all the necessary measures to find financial resources to allow the achievements of its goals 5.5 The financing can come from donations, subsidies and different world, regional and local contributions from legal origin 5.6 This world, regional and local contributions can come from geographical and political communities, associations and individuals c) Working language: 5.7 The working languages are in principle those of the speakers. At the level of multilingual complex exchanges, it is preferable to use Esperanto 5.8 The official documents (Internal regulations, Bulletins, Pamphlets, declarations, invitations or supra-national notifications, reports) must include an Esperanto version 6. MEETINGS OF THE PEOPLE'S CONGRESS 6.1 The People's Congress meets in sessions. The date and the location of each session are notified to the delegates at least 6 months in advance by the Executive Committee 6.2. The Agenda and the working documents will be, if possible, distributed 2 months in advance by the Executive Committee 6.3 All the decisions are taken at the simple majority but the quorum of 4/10 must be reached taking in account the number of proxy. In case the quorum is not reached, mail vote is organised in the following 15 days to get the votes from the delegates who are absent and not represented. 6.4. Except as otherwise provided in the text voted, any decision of the People's Congress is deemed immediately enforceable and without retroactivity. 6.5 After each People's Congress session a report must be produced and dispatched in three months and in all the languages used at the People's Congress 7. PEOPLE'S CONGRESS WORKING GROUPS 7.1 Preparatory working groups must meet freely before the People's Congress sessions 7.2 The results of their work must be passed on to the Executive Committee 8.1 The Executive Committee elects a bureau including:
8.2 The bureau is elected for 3 years and re-eligible 8.3 The President chairs the Executive Committee meetings and represents the People's Congress in the External relations 8.4 In case of defection of the President, he is replaced by the Vice-President 8.5 The financial Adviser defines the financial policies of the People's Congress and watches its realisation 8.6 The General Secretary has the mission of executing the Executive Committee decisions. He initiates all the necessary administrative measures 8.7 The Executive committee takes all necessary steps to insure the People's Congress political continuity between two sessions 8.8 The Executive Committee prepares the People's Congress sessions and notifies the members 8.9 The Executive Committee can ask non elected Volunteers to help for administrative, financial and communications matters. In case a vote is required during the meeting of the Executive Committee or during a People's Congress session, acting volunteers can express a consultative vote 9.1 Creation of a Wise People Council that elects the President and will define its own functioning 9.2 9.2. The Wise People Council is made up of a) the outgoing delegates of the People's Congress who have not been re-elected, by a simple declaration of intention on their part, b) two members of the People's Congress Committee. 9.3 The Wise People Council has the duty of:
9.4 The wise People Council must be informed of all the activities of the People's Congress and its Executive Committee. It will express its opinion and its judgements on facts and situations .It can request that certain points for discussion be written on the agenda during sessions 10. Consultative Assembly at the People's Congress : 10.1 A Consultative Assembly to the People's Congress is created including:
10.2 The ASCOP defines its own functioning. It is regularly chaired by the president of the People's Congress or by a delegate elected or designated by the People's Congress Executive Committee 11. Legal Registration Services: 11.1 Legal Registration services are created that will be the basis of emerging world civil rights This services are for the organisations and communities that wish to stand out of the governments frames while being supported by the democratic legality transferred by means of trans-national world elections to a supra-national institution . This service will be placed under the control of the People's Congress Bureau It registers:
11.2 Every registration at the Legal Registration Services implies acceptation of the People's Congress moral authority and of any necessary arbitration, by the People's Congress itself or by any entity that it would have created for this task 12.1 To be executed, the modifications to the People's Congress regulations have to be approved by the Executive Committee then ratified by the People's Congress during the next session 12.2 For everything that is not in this regulations the People's Congress will refer to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and to the Civil Code and obligations of the country where the People's Congress holds its meeting Herstal, Liège, November 4th, 2007